☄️Supported Rollup Stacks

Arbitrum Orbit

Arbitrum Orbit is Arbitrum's technology that provides a permissionless path for launching your own customized Arbitrum Rollups.

The rollups created using Arbitrum Orbit are tightly coupled to Arbitrum’s L2 chains; Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Nova, allowing users to benefit directly from Etherium’s security.

Know more about Arbitrum (https://docs.arbitrum.io/launch-orbit-chain/orbit-gentle-introduction )


  • Faster Throughput: Arbitrum's rollup design allows for quicker consensus and finalization of transactions within its off-chain environment achieving faster confirmation times.

  • Scalability: Arbitrum’s rollup solution significantly increases the scalability of Ethereum via off-chain transactions processing, and batching them into Ethereum thereby reducing congestion on the mainnet.

  • Reduced Transaction Fees: By batching transactions and processing them off-chain, Arbitrum significantly reduces transaction fees.

  • EVM Compatibility: Arbitrum is designed to be fully compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and supports most Ethereum smart contracts and decentralized applications.

  • Customizable fee token: Arbitrum Orbit chains can use any token users choose as the fee token.

  • Security: Arbitrum technology powers the most secure L2s, by periodically submitting cryptographic proofs to the Ethereum mainnet.

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