🎭3Base’s RaaS Platform

3Base brings a feature-packed architecture that empowers projects to deploy rollups painlessly. The architecture can be harnessed via the 3Base Deployer Kit (3BD-Kit), which comprises the 3Base Client and the 3Base Deployer. The vast array of features and integrations brought by the RaaS platform can be interacted with by using the different components of its architecture. So, project teams get to institute the most customized and modular rollup for the evident layer 3 benefits.

3Base Client (3BC) – The Client offers teams the ability to pick and select the components of their rollups like the stack, settlement layer, DA layer, and bridge from numerous options. The convenient and easy-to-use interface makes the task simple, allowing anyone to fashion rollups despite their technical adeptness.

3Base Deployer (3BD) – The Deployer deploys customized rollups tailored to the specifications chosen on the Client, ensuring the various components function in unison. The Deployer also allows users to interact with the essential services related to rollups, including the bridge and explorer UIs, RPC interfaces, and more for constant rollup monitoring and management.

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